Recent Ballymaloe grad of a certain age here! Stumbled across your Substack and am laughing/nodding with recognition as I experienced much of what you are experiencing. It was a huge challenge but damn was I proud of myself when it was over and boy do I miss those dairy products and gardens. Hang in there, I found my groove after week 6!

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Thanks for the vote of confidence! Yes, I sense that this is all familiar territory to those who've been here. It is a remarkable place, a total bubble, as Instructor Richard responded when I said that "all that's missing is the unicorns!"

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Lisa, I use a CBD ointment from my pharmacy. Will send some in with W next time he's in Cambridge. Ps. You made me hungry, now off to the fridge.

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ooh thanks. Made you hungry? That's the idea! Hope you eat something delicious!

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May 20Liked by Lisa Laskin

I am LOVING all of these, Lisa. I love that you are sharing all of this with us.

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thank you!

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May 20Liked by Lisa Laskin

Chili in Europe is highly imaginative, sometime hilariously so. I remember getting 'chili' in Paris that had 'guacamole' made in a blender. It's rarely spicier than Campbell's tomato soup and more than once it has come with rice. So, put your feta on your green pepper chili and deal with it, yankee. (kiss kiss)

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hahaha, love this. Yes, we served it with rice! 💀 who knows what comes next - maybe yoghurt instead of sour cream, aaaargh!

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May 19Liked by Lisa Laskin

Brown soda all day. Toast it and have with some of that glorious butter. The discontent seems normal for this timeframe in the course--hopefully the "bringing up" after the "breaking down" is on its way and you are heading into the upswing.

Being a grownup and knowing how things can be run better can be a blessing and a curse, as you are discovering. I struggled with this at a recent quilting retreat in MO I attended. I could think of a million ways to make the experience better for a first-timer, and kept waiting for the feedback form at the end of the week... that never came.

Don't take any shit from the youngsters, and don't be afraid to claim your time with the instructors. I want some of that bread when you come back--Kiki's in Brighton sells the right flour. ;)

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Kiki's, I will remember that. I get flour from Elmendorf in Cambridge. Tomorrow I make the brown yeast bread for a grade, yikes. Oh the kids. More to come on that! thank you for reading.

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May 20Liked by Lisa Laskin

Ooo just looked them up! I am a KAF devotee, but for specialty flours and the like, and when you need something fast, this place looks fantastic. If I ever get that wistful look when discussing rye chops, give me a smack. Never again! (Volkenbrot tho....)

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May 19Liked by Lisa Laskin

Darina Allen can be a bit much (those TEETH, good lord!!), but her brown bread recipe is a staple I've used for a long long time. I say no to cooking puffin, however.

You are doing great, and you make an excellent point about doing it someone else's way, even if you know how to do it better. Even Matisse painted traditional landscapes from time to time.

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The brown soda or the brown yeast? I have to have mastered both by next Friday - midterms! I feel like I've got it, though. Yeah, I'm trying to not be brought down by the discontent. A friend said to me, this is like going off to first year of college again, except that half of the students are actually in third grade. Perspective!

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